/** * Observe how the user enters content into the comment form in order to determine whether it's a bot or not. * * Note that no actual input is being saved here, only counts and timings between events. */ ( function() { // Passive event listeners are guaranteed to never call e.preventDefault(), // but they're not supported in all browsers. Use this feature detection // to determine whether they're available for use. var supportsPassive = false; try { var opts = Object.defineProperty( {}, 'passive', { get : function() { supportsPassive = true; } } ); window.addEventListener( 'testPassive', null, opts ); window.removeEventListener( 'testPassive', null, opts ); } catch ( e ) {} function init() { var input_begin = ''; var keydowns = {}; var lastKeyup = null; var lastKeydown = null; var keypresses = []; var modifierKeys = []; var correctionKeys = []; var lastMouseup = null; var lastMousedown = null; var mouseclicks = []; var mousemoveTimer = null; var lastMousemoveX = null; var lastMousemoveY = null; var mousemoveStart = null; var mousemoves = []; var touchmoveCountTimer = null; var touchmoveCount = 0; var lastTouchEnd = null; var lastTouchStart = null; var touchEvents = []; var scrollCountTimer = null; var scrollCount = 0; var correctionKeyCodes = [ 'Backspace', 'Delete', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'Home', 'End', 'PageUp', 'PageDown' ]; var modifierKeyCodes = [ 'Shift', 'CapsLock' ]; var forms = document.querySelectorAll( 'form[method=post]' ); for ( var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++ ) { var form = forms[i]; var formAction = form.getAttribute( 'action' ); // Ignore forms that POST directly to other domains; these could be things like payment forms. if ( formAction ) { // Check that the form is posting to an external URL, not a path. if ( formAction.indexOf( 'http://' ) == 0 || formAction.indexOf( 'https://' ) == 0 ) { if ( formAction.indexOf( 'http://' + window.location.hostname + '/' ) != 0 && formAction.indexOf( 'https://' + window.location.hostname + '/' ) != 0 ) { continue; } } } form.addEventListener( 'submit', function () { var ak_bkp = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( keypresses ); var ak_bmc = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( mouseclicks ); var ak_bte = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( touchEvents ); var ak_bmm = prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( mousemoves ); var input_fields = { // When did the user begin entering any input? 'bib': input_begin, // When was the form submitted? 'bfs': Date.now(), // How many keypresses did they make? 'bkpc': keypresses.length, // How quickly did they press a sample of keys, and how long between them? 'bkp': ak_bkp, // How quickly did they click the mouse, and how long between clicks? 'bmc': ak_bmc, // How many mouseclicks did they make? 'bmcc': mouseclicks.length, // When did they press modifier keys (like Shift or Capslock)? 'bmk': modifierKeys.join( ';' ), // When did they correct themselves? e.g., press Backspace, or use the arrow keys to move the cursor back 'bck': correctionKeys.join( ';' ), // How many times did they move the mouse? 'bmmc': mousemoves.length, // How many times did they move around using a touchscreen? 'btmc': touchmoveCount, // How many times did they scroll? 'bsc': scrollCount, // How quickly did they perform touch events, and how long between them? 'bte': ak_bte, // How many touch events were there? 'btec' : touchEvents.length, // How quickly did they move the mouse, and how long between moves? 'bmm' : ak_bmm }; var akismet_field_prefix = 'ak_'; if ( this.getElementsByClassName ) { // Check to see if we've used an alternate field name prefix. We store this as an attribute of the container around some of the Akismet fields. var possible_akismet_containers = this.getElementsByClassName( 'akismet-fields-container' ); for ( var containerIndex = 0; containerIndex < possible_akismet_containers.length; containerIndex++ ) { var container = possible_akismet_containers.item( containerIndex ); if ( container.getAttribute( 'data-prefix' ) ) { akismet_field_prefix = container.getAttribute( 'data-prefix' ); break; } } } for ( var field_name in input_fields ) { var field = document.createElement( 'input' ); field.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' ); field.setAttribute( 'name', akismet_field_prefix + field_name ); field.setAttribute( 'value', input_fields[ field_name ] ); this.appendChild( field ); } }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( 'keydown', function ( e ) { // If you hold a key down, some browsers send multiple keydown events in a row. // Ignore any keydown events for a key that hasn't come back up yet. if ( e.key in keydowns ) { return; } var keydownTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); keydowns[ e.key ] = [ keydownTime ]; if ( ! input_begin ) { input_begin = keydownTime; } // In some situations, we don't want to record an interval since the last keypress -- for example, // on the first keypress, or on a keypress after focus has changed to another element. Normally, // we want to record the time between the last keyup and this keydown. But if they press a // key while already pressing a key, we want to record the time between the two keydowns. var lastKeyEvent = Math.max( lastKeydown, lastKeyup ); if ( lastKeyEvent ) { keydowns[ e.key ].push( keydownTime - lastKeyEvent ); } lastKeydown = keydownTime; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( e ) { if ( ! ( e.key in keydowns ) ) { // This key was pressed before this script was loaded, or a mouseclick happened during the keypress, or... return; } var keyupTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); if ( 'TEXTAREA' === e.target.nodeName || 'INPUT' === e.target.nodeName ) { if ( -1 !== modifierKeyCodes.indexOf( e.key ) ) { modifierKeys.push( keypresses.length - 1 ); } else if ( -1 !== correctionKeyCodes.indexOf( e.key ) ) { correctionKeys.push( keypresses.length - 1 ); } else { // ^ Don't record timings for keys like Shift or backspace, since they // typically get held down for longer than regular typing. var keydownTime = keydowns[ e.key ][0]; var keypress = []; // Keypress duration. keypress.push( keyupTime - keydownTime ); // Amount of time between this keypress and the previous keypress. if ( keydowns[ e.key ].length > 1 ) { keypress.push( keydowns[ e.key ][1] ); } keypresses.push( keypress ); } } delete keydowns[ e.key ]; lastKeyup = keyupTime; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( "focusin", function ( e ) { lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); form.addEventListener( "focusout", function ( e ) { lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); } document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function ( e ) { lastMousedown = ( new Date() ).getTime(); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function ( e ) { if ( ! lastMousedown ) { // If the mousedown happened before this script was loaded, but the mouseup happened after... return; } var now = ( new Date() ).getTime(); var mouseclick = []; mouseclick.push( now - lastMousedown ); if ( lastMouseup ) { mouseclick.push( lastMousedown - lastMouseup ); } mouseclicks.push( mouseclick ); lastMouseup = now; // If the mouse has been clicked, don't record this time as an interval between keypresses. lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function ( e ) { if ( mousemoveTimer ) { clearTimeout( mousemoveTimer ); mousemoveTimer = null; } else { mousemoveStart = ( new Date() ).getTime(); lastMousemoveX = e.offsetX; lastMousemoveY = e.offsetY; } mousemoveTimer = setTimeout( function ( theEvent, originalMousemoveStart ) { var now = ( new Date() ).getTime() - 500; // To account for the timer delay. var mousemove = []; mousemove.push( now - originalMousemoveStart ); mousemove.push( Math.round( Math.sqrt( Math.pow( theEvent.offsetX - lastMousemoveX, 2 ) + Math.pow( theEvent.offsetY - lastMousemoveY, 2 ) ) ) ); if ( mousemove[1] > 0 ) { // If there was no measurable distance, then it wasn't really a move. mousemoves.push( mousemove ); } mousemoveStart = null; mousemoveTimer = null; }, 500, e, mousemoveStart ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', function ( e ) { if ( touchmoveCountTimer ) { clearTimeout( touchmoveCountTimer ); } touchmoveCountTimer = setTimeout( function () { touchmoveCount++; }, 500 ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', function ( e ) { lastTouchStart = ( new Date() ).getTime(); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'touchend', function ( e ) { if ( ! lastTouchStart ) { // If the touchstart happened before this script was loaded, but the touchend happened after... return; } var now = ( new Date() ).getTime(); var touchEvent = []; touchEvent.push( now - lastTouchStart ); if ( lastTouchEnd ) { touchEvent.push( lastTouchStart - lastTouchEnd ); } touchEvents.push( touchEvent ); lastTouchEnd = now; // Don't record this time as an interval between keypresses. lastKeydown = null; lastKeyup = null; keydowns = {}; }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); document.addEventListener( 'scroll', function ( e ) { if ( scrollCountTimer ) { clearTimeout( scrollCountTimer ); } scrollCountTimer = setTimeout( function () { scrollCount++; }, 500 ); }, supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false ); } /** * For the timestamp data that is collected, don't send more than `limit` data points in the request. * Choose a random slice and send those. */ function prepare_timestamp_array_for_request( a, limit ) { if ( ! limit ) { limit = 100; } var rv = ''; if ( a.length > 0 ) { var random_starting_point = Math.max( 0, Math.floor( Math.random() * a.length - limit ) ); for ( var i = 0; i < limit && i < a.length; i++ ) { rv += a[ random_starting_point + i ][0]; if ( a[ random_starting_point + i ].length >= 2 ) { rv += "," + a[ random_starting_point + i ][1]; } rv += ";"; } } return rv; } if ( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { init(); } else { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', init ); } })();{"id":781,"date":"2021-05-27T09:15:16","date_gmt":"2021-05-27T02:15:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/congviennghiatrang.com\/?p=781"},"modified":"2021-08-30T17:05:16","modified_gmt":"2021-08-30T10:05:16","slug":"nghia-trang-vi-xuyen","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/congviennghiatrang.com\/nghia-trang-vi-xuyen\/","title":{"rendered":"Ngh\u0129a trang V\u1ecb Xuy\u00ean \u2013 n\u01a1i an ngh\u1ec9 linh thi\u00eang c\u1ee7a ng\u00e0n chi\u1ebfn s\u0129"},"content":{"rendered":"
Ngh\u0129a trang V\u1ecb Xuy\u00ean<\/em><\/strong> l\u00e0 n\u01a1i an ngh\u1ec9 c\u1ee7a h\u00e0ng ng\u00e0n li\u1ec7t s\u0129 \u0111\u00e3 hy sinh trong m\u1eb7t tr\u1eadn V\u1ecb Xuy\u00ean – H\u00e0 Giang \u0111\u1ec3 gi\u1eef v\u1eefng b\u00ecnh y\u00ean cho \u0111\u1ea5t n\u01b0\u1edbc. N\u01a1i \u0111\u00e2y ph\u1ea7n m\u1ed9 c\u1ee7a c\u00e1c anh \u0111\u01b0\u1ee3c tr\u00f4ng nom, ch\u0103m s\u00f3c h\u00e0ng ng\u00e0y b\u1edfi nh\u1eefng ng\u01b0\u1eddi qu\u1ea3n trang. Nh\u1eefng \u00e1nh n\u1ebfn lung linh, m\u00f9i h\u01b0\u01a1ng tr\u1ea7m thoang tho\u1ea3ng n\u01a1i ngh\u0129a trang lu\u00f4n nh\u1eafc nh\u1edf ch\u00fang ta nh\u1edb v\u1ec1 nh\u1eefng ng\u01b0\u1eddi anh h\u00f9ng \u0111\u1ea5t Vi\u1ec7t \u0111\u00e3 x\u1ea3 th\u00e2n \u0111\u1ec3 b\u1ea3o v\u1ec7 non s\u00f4ng \u0111\u1ea5t n\u01b0\u1edbc, gi\u00fap ch\u00fang ta c\u00f3 cu\u1ed9c s\u1ed1ng h\u00f2a b\u00ecnh, h\u1ea1nh ph\u00fac nh\u01b0 ng\u00e0y nay. C\u00f9ng D\u1ecbch v\u1ee5 tang l\u1ec5 H\u00e0 N\u1ed9i<\/a> t\u00ecm hi\u1ec3u ngay nh\u00e9<\/em><\/p>\n N\u0103m 1979 \u0111\u1ec3 gi\u1eef v\u1eefng bi\u00ean c\u01b0\u01a1ng ngay t\u1ea1i V\u1ecb Xuy\u00ean \u0111\u00e3 di\u1ec5n ra tr\u1eadn chi\u1ebfn \u0111\u1ea5u \u00e1c li\u1ec7t. C\u00e1c cao \u0111i\u1ec3m 1509, 772, 685, 1100, C\u00f4 \u00cdch, B\u1ed1n H\u1ea7m, \u0110\u1ed3i \u0110\u00e0i\u2026 l\u00e0 n\u01a1i x\u1ea3y ra nh\u1eefng tr\u1eadn chi\u1ebfn s\u1ed1ng c\u00f2n \u0111\u1ec3 gi\u1eef t\u1eebng t\u1ea5c \u0111\u1ea5t cho d\u00e2n t\u1ed9c.<\/p>\n To\u00e0n b\u1ed9 chi\u1ebfn d\u1ecbch k\u00e9o d\u00e0i su\u1ed1t 10 n\u0103m, t\u1eeb 1979-1989 qu\u00e2n d\u00e2n ta v\u1edbi l\u00f2ng qu\u1ea3 c\u1ea3m, \u0111\u1ed3ng l\u00f2ng \u0111\u00e3 \u0111\u1ea9y l\u00f9i sinh l\u1ef1c x\u00e2m ph\u1ea1m tr\u1edf v\u1ec1 b\u00ean kia bi\u00ean gi\u1edbi. H\u01a1n 4.000 chi\u1ebfn s\u0129 c\u1ee7a ta \u0111\u00e3 hi sinh, c\u00e1n b\u1ed9 chi\u1ebfn s\u0129 b\u1ecb th\u01b0\u01a1ng l\u00ean \u0111\u1ebfn h\u01a1n 9.000 ng\u01b0\u1eddi. Nh\u1eefng li\u1ec7t s\u0129 hi\u1ec7n v\u1eabn \u0111ang n\u1eb1m l\u1ea1i chi\u1ebfn tr\u01b0\u1eddng kho\u1ea3ng 2.000 ng\u01b0\u1eddi.<\/p>\n\u0110\u00f4i n\u00e9t v\u1ec1 tr\u1eadn chi\u1ebfn V\u1ecb Xuy\u00ean \u2013 H\u00e0 Giang<\/strong><\/h2>\n